CheesyMUD Mortal Builder's Manual Last updated by Thingol, Sept. 5/97 Welcome to the CheesyMUD builder's manual! Obviously, if you're reading this, you've been duped into being a builder. Congrats! While building is one of the more time-consuming jobs, it is also one of the ones with more visible and permanent results. Your job as a builder is simple: to make new areas for players to run about and recklessly kill mobs to gain exp in. Sound simple? It is. Anyone can make a zone, and making a good zone doesn't require much effort. This manual will cover both the technical side of building, as well as some tips on building good zones. The technical portion will be similar in content to the online help, and it is advised to print it out, for easy reference. Section 1: Command Descriptions Ok, you've gotten yourself a batch of new commands, and now you are going to learn how to use them. If you've had building experience on other MUDs, that's great. If you've used an online creation system on that other MUD, that's nice. Our online building system is called Interactive Creation, or IC for short. Instead of having scads of commands to cover each facet of building, as some online editors do, IC has been broken down into 7 useful commands. They are: copy, create, delete, edit, export, link, and unlink. There are other special commands conferred with building abilities. They are: wiznet, stat, vstat, vnum, vlook, show, uptime, wizhelp, and zreset. Create is the first command in IC. It, as the name implies, creates new things. You will use this command to make new rooms, mobiles, objects, and shops. Edit is the workhorse of the IC system. Edit allows you to make modifications to anything you have created, in order to shape it according to your desire. Link is what brings all the things you have created together. Link joins rooms, makes objects and mobiles appear in their places, and sets up shops. Copy allows you to copy an object, room, or mobile, to save you work if you want to have a similar item, room, or mobile. Delete is fairly self-explanatory, deleting something you have created. No, you can't get it back, so be careful with this one. Unlink, also self-explanatory, allows you to unlink things you previously linked. Last, but absolutely not least, is export. This is the most important command, as it saves all your work. Ask anyone who's ever built anything, and they will tell you a story about how they forgot to export and lost hours of work. Export frequently and often. Wizhelp is the command that displays all your privileged commands. Wiznet is the communication channel of the immortals. This is largely for you to ask questions of those who are most likely to know the answers when it comes to building. Spamming this channel, or abusing it in any way, is heavily frowned upon. If you don't see an immortal on, or a fellow mortal builder, ask once if anyone is on, or ask your question. If an imm is invis, and wants to answer your question, they will. If they don't, spamming the channel will only make them angry with you, and you will likely lose your building privileges. Uptime shows how long the MUD has been up and running this session. Handy to check if there's been a reset or a crash in your absence. Zreset resets a zone by number. You will only be able to reset the zone you have been assigned. Show allows you to view various bits of information about the MUD and its zones. The show options are: death, godrooms, improoms, key, linkless, shops, stats, and zones. The zones option is the one you will use most, specifically to show your own zone. Stat allows you to view detailed information about an object, room, mobile, or shop that is currently in the game. You will most likely be using this more for rooms and shops than mobs and objects. The "v" series of commands deal with virtual numbers. Each mob, object, shop, and room has a virtual number, to identify it. A virtual number is broken down into . For instance, if your zone is number 123, object 47 would be object 12347. Vnum allows you to look up the virtual number of a shop, mob, or object in your zone. For instance, "vnum m fuzzy" would show all mobiles with the word "fuzzy" in their name. Vstat allows you to "stat" something, using its virtual number. Vlook allows you to look at a mob's description by it's virtual number. I know all of this seems overwhelming at the moment, but you'll find that you will adjust in no time. All of the commands are very well documented in online help, if you ever need a reference. Section 2: Building Tips Anyone can make a zone. But, not everyone has what it takes to make a GOOD zone the first time around. Only the good zones will be linked, and zones that aren't quite up to snuff will have to be beefed up a bit. Here are a few pointers to help you out in being a successful builder. First, you should map your area. This may seem like unwarranted work, but it really does help. I have yet to have made a zone that I didn't map in some way first. Map out your area, and make sure to put down lots of notes about it, so you don't forget later. Names of mobiles. How tough they should be. What equipment they have. General plot notes. This sort of thing will make sure that the area is interesting for other players. Room descriptions like these: You are standing in a vast wasteland. Gosh, is it vast. are going to bore a player to death. Yes, this was a room description I have actually seen. A room description like: You are standing in a vast wasteland. The air here is dry, causing you to be a bit parched. You look around you, the land seeming to go on forever. The dried soil crunches under your feet, and the wind blows dust in your eyes. Off in the far distance, you can see mountains to the north, and you think you see a building to the east. is much more interesting. Sure, it takes more work to write, but making an interesting zone the first time around is easier than making a zone and having to rewrite a good portion of it. Having a plot of some sort will help you plan your zone better, and you can convey that easier with notes. Many a time I've started work on a zone, got interrupted, and later had no idea where my train of thought had gone. Also, keeping track of virtual numbers for your zone will help you later when you're linking. "show zone detailed" will give you a listing of everything in the zone, but it's easier id you have them handy. Section 3: Command Use This section will cover the use of your privileged commands. The very first thing you will need to do, if you haven't already, is get a zone. You will be assigned a zone number, which you will use for nearly all your building commands. The very first thing you will need to make in your area is rooms. After all, you won't have anyplace to put all your new mobiles and objects otherwise. So, we fire up our good friend, create. "create room 123 My New Room" will make a room named "My New Room" in zone 123, in the first available slot. When you type this command, you will immediately be dropped into the editor, to enter the description of the room. Contrary to popular belief, the editor on CheesyMUD doesn't have wordwrap. Most people only have an 80 character screen width, so make sure you keep the lines in the editor that long. When you create anything, it will tell you the virtual number of the thing you just created, ie "Creating Room #12300 in Zone #123...". You will use this number in editing the items in your zone. You can now view your room, if you like. "vstat room 12300" will give you all the information on your room. Here is an example: > vstat room 14700 Room name: Thingol's Inner Sanctum Zone: [ 82], VNum: [14700], RNum: [ 3627], Sector Type: Inside SpecProc: None, Flags: !MOB INDOORS PEACEFUL !MAGIC Description: You have entered Thingol's inner sanctum. are either invited or a fellow immortal, and should be bid welcome. The room is not very remarkable or extravagant, indeed, it isn't even often occupied. But make yourself at home, have a seat and a beer...after all, it's free :) Chars present: Thingol(PC) Contents: a couch, an easy chair, a fridge, a beer spigot Exit south: To: [14701], Key: [ 0], Keywrd: None, Type: NOBITS No exit description. Room name is rather self-explanatory. Zone is the "real" zone number. You aren't concerned with "real" numbers of things, only virtual ones. VNum is the virtual number of the room. RNum if the rooms, real number. Sector type is just that. Sector types affect how many move points rooms eat up, for the most part. SpecProc indicates whether a special procedure has been written or not. If you want to make anything do something special, talk to Kyrol about making a SpecProc. Flags indicate what flags are active in the room. Most flag names are self-evident. More on flags later. The description shows the room's description. The characters, mobs, and objects in a room are also listed. All the exits will be detailed, showing the direction, what room it's connected to, the virtual number of the key, if it's locked, the keyword of the door, if there is one, and the Type shows the door type, ie closed, locked, etc. You can also add exit descriptions, so when the player looks in that direction, they well get extra text. Next, you will likely want to create a mobile. After all, they're what makes the game go, holding the ever-important experience. The command is rather similar to the room one, "create mobile 123 ugly monster". Don't put a "the" in front of the name, as it's automatically added, and "the the ugly monster" would look silly :) As with the room, you will be prompted for a description of the mobile. Now, you decide what level you want your mob to be. A unique facet of Battle System 3, or BS3, or the NBS, whichever you like to call it, is that a mobile's and object's level is automatically calculated based on its stats. Subsequently, you can make a generic mobile or object of a given level, and then tweak it to meet your needs. "edit mobile 12300 level 20" will make our ugly monster level 20. You can now view your mob using vstat: > vstat m 14700 [Male] Mob `Thingol Greycloak', In room: 0 Vnum: 14700, Keywords: `king elf elvenking doriath thing' Roomdesc: Thingol Greycloak, the Elvenking is sitting here. Lev: [23.29], Align: [800], Class: [Normal] Str: [11] Int: [11] Wis: [11] Dex: [11] Con: [11] Cha: [11] Hitpoints: [19397.08/19397.08](22770.00), Gold: [0](1288) Armor: [29.988](32.844), Hitroll: [33.000](32.844) Saving throws: 67, 67, 67, 67, 67 Attack prob: 67.32%, Defend prob: 21.43%, Battle time: 2m 01s Attacks: [2], Avg. Damage: 182.02(138.00) 0. [2d70.00+0.00] = 70.01, type: [slash] 1. [2d112.00+0.00] = 112.01, type: [hit] Action flags: SENTINEL ISNPC AWARE MEMORY HELPER !SLEEP !BASH !BLIND !GOLD Position: [Standing], Default Pos.: [Standing] Carried: Weight: 0; Items in: Inv: 0, Eq: 0 Affect flags: DET-INVIS SENSE-LIFE !TRACK The first line covers the mob's gender and name. The second line lists its Vnum, and the keyword list. This is the set of words that can be used to identify this mobile. ie, if you're in the room, "look elvenking" and "look king" will do exactly the same thing for you. The next line is the mobile's roomdesc, which is what players see when they see the mob in a room with them. Next line has its level, alignment, and Class. Class has no affect on the mobile, most leave it as normal. The stats line is next, followed by the hitpoints and gold line. The hitpoints follow a [current/maximum](calculated) format, the calculated value being what BS3 thinks a mob of that level should have. Gold also follows a similar format, [current](calculated). Next is the AC and hitroll, which should be familiar, followed by the saving throws. You're not likely to be playing with the saving throws. The attack probability, defend probability, and battle time are against a player of the same level. The next little section is the Attacks. Mobiles can have up to 6 attacks, including one from a weapon, if wielded. The action flags determine what actions the mobile takes, amongst other things. More on action flags later. The position and default position show what position (standing, resting, etc) the mob is in when loaded, and what position it is in by default. The next line details how much equipment the mob has, both in inventory and equipped. Vstatted mobs, of course, don't have anything in inventory, as they're not loaded. The affect flags determine what the mobs is affected by, usually covering abilities like detect invisible. More on affect flags later. Finally, you will want objects in your zone. Both for equipment and decorations, they are the last bit to make a zone complete. Like the other two, the syntax is "create object 123 big stick". Don't add an "a" or "an" to the name, that's also automatic. Unlike the other two, you won't be prompted for a description. You can then set what kind of object you want it to be (it's type "other" by default), unless you want it to do nothing. To make a weapon, for instance, the syntax would be "edit object 12300 type weapon 2d10 pound". This makes it a weapon that "rolls" 2 10-sided dice for damage, and the attack messages are for pound. No attack type does more or less damage. You can also decide to make a "generic" level weapon by editing the object's level, just like you did the mobile's level. You will also want to make it wieldable, so you would "edit object 12300 wearflags +n". This adds the "n" (wield) flag to the object. You can vstat your weapon: > vstat o 14700 Name: `Aranruth', Keywords: `aranruth sword doriath thing' Roomdesc: Thingol's sword, Aranruth, lies here Extra descs: aranruth sword VNum: 14700, Type: [weapon], Lev: [21.39], Use: [17](17) Damage: 2d70.00 = 70.01, Attack type: slash Wear flags: TAKE WIELD HOLD Effect flags: !DONATE MAGIC !SELL Armor: [1.587](1.745), Hitroll: [1.000](0.873), Damroll: [3.33](3.67) Affections: +2 to STR Weight: [1], Value: [11027](11027) The first line covers the name and keywords. The second covers the roomdesc, which is similar to a mobile's roomdesc. The extra descs are the object's "description". You can have a number of them, and they don't have to match the keywords. A common thing is to make an extra desc for the keywords, and a separate one for extra details, such as text in a description. Next comes the object's vnum, type, level, and the uselevel. This is the minimum level a player has to be to use this item, usually 4 below the calculated level. The damage will be the damage you entered, or one calculated if you entered a level, and the attack type. Wear flags determine where a piece of gear can be equipped. TAKE is there by default, without it, the object can't be picked up. Good for if you have a fountain or something big and heavy. The other wearflags are fairly obvious, and will be detailed later. The effect flags are what effects the objects have, such as "no donate", "no sell" and "magic". More on effect flags later. Each piece of equipment affects a player's armor, hitroll, and damroll. These are shown in the next line. The line after that shows other affectations, such as bonuses or minuses to stats. More on Affectations later. Finally, we see how much the weapon weighs, and what value it would have if sold at a shop. Next, let's cover link. First, we make another room, "create r 123 The Room Next Door". Next, we link them together. "link room 12300 room 12301 east" will link your first room to the second in an east direction. Now, you'll want to link your mobile in, and have him wield the weapon you made. "link mobile 12300 room 12301 equip 12300 wield" will link mobile 12300 to room 12301 wielding object 12300. Now that you have all these wonderful things in your zone, type "export 123", to save it all. You could have exported after each item, or even after each change. You can never export too much, but you're probably going to want to export regularly. So long as you don't forget, it doesn't really matter when. Finally, we'll cover the destructive commands, delete and unlink. Let's say you decide that you'd rather your second room be west of the the first, instead of east. You would unlink them, "unlink room 12300 east". This removes the east link from room 12300. Then, you would re-link them, "link room 12300 room 12301 west". It's a good time to note here that all commands can be shortened, down to one letter. "link roo 12300 r 12301 w" would work just as well. You're best to use whole words to start with, so you remember the syntax, then use the shortened letter versions later. Now, let's say you don't like your "big stick" weapon you made. "delete o 12300" will delete the object, forever. There's no recovering it, so don't delete things unless you're absolutely sure you don't want them anymore. All copies of the object will also leave the game, so your monster won't be wielding it anymore, and you don't have to re-link it. This covers the basics of building, no we'll get into the technical part, listing all the fine details. Section 4: Command Reference This section will explain each command in more detail, outlining all of their functions. All of the information here is also given in the online help, but it is recommended to print this manual out, so you have a quick reference, instead of having to check the help system all the time. CREATE Usage: create CREATE creates either a zone, room, mobile, object, or shop, specified by the argument in the zone selected by . For all types (except shop), a further argument is required so that IC can fill in as much information into the record as possible. Examples: > create object 1 key to the Castle Aaaaaargh This will find the first unused object virtual number in zone 1 and create a record associated with it. It will return the virtual number for use with the EDIT command. EDIT ROOM Usage: edit room type string See EDIT ROOM TYPE. name string Sets the name of the room (e.g. "In the Teeny Rapids"). description none Prompts for the room's description for "look". extradescr "add" [ ... ] Prompts for the "look at " description. "delete" Deletes the extra description associated with . "clear" Deletes all extra descriptions associated with the room. direction [ ... ] Prompts for the "look " description and sets the keyword list for "open ". flags flags See EDIT ROOM FLAGS. EDIT ROOM TYPE Usage: edit room type For the argument, choose a string from the list below. inside Takes 1 movement point. city Takes 1 movement point. field Takes 2 movement points. forest Takes 3 movement points. hills Takes 4 movement points. mountains Takes 6 movement points. swim Swimmable water. Takes 4 movement points. noswim Requires a 'waterwalk' spell to enter. underwater Requires a 'water breathing' spell to enter. flying Requires a 'fly' spell to enter. snow Takes 5 movement points. sand Takes 4 movement points. hot Extreme heat. Occupants suffer 20hp damage every 2 seconds. cold Extreme cold. Occupants suffer 20hp damage every 2 seconds. gas Noxious fumes. Occupants suffer 20hp damage every 2 seconds. EDIT ROOM FLAGS Usage: edit room flags For the argument, choose one or more letters from the list below with no spaces between them. For no flags, choose "0" (the number zero). a DARK Room requires a light source. b DEATH Room is a death trap. (All items are immediately lost). c !MOB Mobiles cannot wander into the room. d INDOORS Room does not receive weather information (among other things). e PEACEFUL Violence cannot be initiated in the room. f SOUNDPROOF Inter-room communication cannot take place. g !TRACK Mobiles cannot be tracked through this room. h !MAGIC Spells or magical items cannot be used in the room. i TUNNEL Only one player or mobile is allowed in this room at a time. j PRIVATE Cannot "goto" this room if there's already two people there. k GODROOM Only level 74 or above can enter this room. o IMPROOM Only level 78 or above can enter this room. q !RECALL Cannot use the 'word of recall' spell from this room. r VICEOK PK and PT are legal in this room. Make sure it is well marked. s !DEATH Players and mobs can't die here. t REGEN Hitpoints are regenerated faster in this room. u !BOMB Bombs don't work in this room. EDIT MOBILE Usage: edit mobile keywords [ ... ] Space-separated keyword list for "kill ". name string Name for " hits you with its sting." roomdesc string Description of the mobile when walking into a room. description none Prompts for the "look at " description. sex {"neutral"|"male"|"female"} Mobile's sex is set accordingly. class {"normal"|"undead"|"humanoid"|"animal"|"dragon"|"giant"} Mobile's class is set accordingly. Unused. alignment number Mobile's alignment. Must be from -1000 to 1000. level number Makes mobile a generic level mob. gold number Mobile's gold. Must be under 100 million. strength number Mobile's strength. Must be from 3 to 25. stradd number Mobile's additional strength. Only applies when strength = 18 and must be from 0 to 100. intelligence number Mobile's intelligence. Must be from 3 to 25. wisdom number Mobile's wisdom. Must be from 3 to 25. dexterity number Mobile's dexterity. Must be from 3 to 25. constitution number Mobile's constitution. Must be from 3 to 25. charisma number Mobile's charisma. Must be from 3 to 25. armorclass number Mobile's armor. Must be an integer from -10 to 10. damage add #d#+# Adds a new attack. clear Clears all attacks. delete Deletes attack number . edit #d#+# Edits the damage of attack number . hitpoints #d#+# Mobile's hit points in diceroll form. number Mobile's hit points in constant form. hitroll number Mobile's hitroll. attacktype string See EDIT ATTACKTYPE. affectflags flags See EDIT MOBILE AFFECTFLAGS. actionflags flags See EDIT MOBILE ACTIONFLAGS. loadpos {"sleeping"|"resting"|"sitting"|"standing"} Mobile's position on creation. defaultpos {"sleeping"|"resting"|"sitting"|"standing"} Mobile's position after being disturbed (i.e. attacked) EDIT ATTACKTYPE Usage: edit mobile attacktype edit object type weapon #d# This is used in the "Yevaud tries to you." or the "You Arachnos very hard." messages. The argument can be one of the following: "hit", "sting", "whip", "slash", "bite", "bludgeon", "crush", "pound", "claw", "maul", "thrash", "pierce", "blast", "punch", "stab". EDIT MOBILE AFFECTFLAGS a BLIND Mobile is blinded. Cannot assist, lowers hitroll, etc. b INVIS Mobile is invisible. c DET-ALIGN Mobile can detect alignment. Good with AGGR_EVIL, etc. d DET-INVIS Mobile can detect invisibility. e DET-MAGIC Mobile can detect magic. f SENSE-LIFE Mobile can sense life. g WATWALK Mobile can move on unswimmable water without a boat. h SANCT Mobile only takes half damage. j CURSE Mobile is cursed. This only hurts the mobile. k INFRA Mobile can see in the dark. Good with AGGR. m PROT-EVIL Mobile is protected from evil. n PROT-GOOD Mobile is protected from good. p !TRACK Mobile cannot be tracked. q CONFUSED Mobile is confused. r ADHERED Mobile cannot flee. s SNEAK Mobile can enter rooms without anyone knowing. t HIDE Mobile is hiding. Much like invisibility. u DISEASE Mobile is diseased. Disease does not spread from NPC to PC. w FLY Mobile can move into flying areas without wings. x WAT-BREATH Mobile can swim underwater without SCUBA gear. y FAST Mobile will move at double speed. Does not affect battle. z SLOW Mobile will move at half speed. Does not affect battle. A !DOOR Mobile can pass through doors like an immortal. EDIT MOBILE ACTIONFLAGS a SPEC Mobile has a special procedure coded for it (ask Kyrol). b SENTINEL Mobile will not wander around. c SCAVENGER Mobile will pick up objects lying on the ground. e AWARE Mobile cannot be backstabbed. f AGGR Mobile will attack all players. g STAY-ZONE Mobile cannot wander out of its zone. h WIMPY Mobile will flee if its hitpoints drop below 25% of maximum. i AGGR_EVIL Mobile will attack evil players. j AGGR_GOOD Mobile will attack good players. k AGGR_NEUTRAL Mobile will attack neutral players. l MEMORY Mobile will remember attackers until death. m HELPER Mobile will assist other mobiles in the room. n !CHARM Mobile is not charmable. p !SLEEP Mobile cannot have 'sleep' cast upon it. q !BASH Mobile cannot be bashed. (e.g. something big, like a tree.) r !BLIND Mobile cannot be blinded. s !CONFUSE Mobile cannot be confused. t !ADHERE Mobile is not "adhereable" and can always flee if wimpy. u AFFECT Mobile will use affections given by equipment. v IMMORT Mobile cannot be hit. w HUNTER Mobile will hunt down any attackers if possible. x WANDER Mobile is immune to !MOB rooms. y DOUBLE Mobile does double damage with weapons. z !WEAPON Mobile ignores wielded weapons in combat. EDIT OBJECT Usage: edit object keywords [ ... ] Space-separated keyword list for "get ". name string Name for "You get " as well as inventory lists. description string Description of the object when walking into a room. actiondesc string Used as optional message when using a magical item. extradesc "add" [ ... ] Prompts for the "look at " description. "delete" Deletes the extradesc associated with . "clear" Deletes all extradescs associated with the object. type See EDIT OBJECT TYPE. wearflags flags See EDIT OBJECT WEARFLAGS. effects flags See EDIT OBJECT EFFECTS. weight number Item's weight in pounds. value number Item's value in gold. Used mainly in shops. rent number Item's cost per day to rent. affects "add" See EDIT OBJECT AFFECTS for a list of keywords. "delete" Deletes the specified affect from the affect list. "clear" Clears all affected types from the object. level number Minimum level required to wear, wield, or hold item. EDIT OBJECT TYPE Usage: edit object type light {"eternal"|"none"|} Makes the object a light source (can see in a DARK room). instrument ['' () ] Instruments cast a spell on a single mobile or player. The indicates at what level the spell is cast. wand '' () Wands cast a spell on a single target. The indicates at what level the spell is cast. staff '' () Staves cast a spell on an entire area. The indicates at what level the spell is cast. fireweapon () Makes the object a fireweapon. When loaded, it starts out with rounds of ammunition. A maximum of rounds may be loaded into the weapon. The fireweapon will only accept object as its ammunition. ammo #d# Makes the object ammunition for a fireweapon that deals using the specified . See EDIT ATTACKTYPE. The item reloads charges when used. weapon #d# Makes the object a weapon that deals #d# damage using the specified . See EDIT ATTACKTYPE. scroll [''] [''] [''] Scrolls can cast up to three spells at a target. potion [''] [''] [''] Potions can cast up to three spells on the imbiber. container ["pickproof"] ["opened"|"closed"|"locked"] [] Item is a container, which can hold pounds. By default, containers are not closeable and have key vnums of -1 (indicating unlockable). food ["poisoned"] Item can be eaten. money When this item is taken, it acts like coins. drinkcon () '' ["poisoned"] ["diseased"] fountain () '' ["poisoned"] ["diseased"] See EDIT DRINKTYPE for a list of available drinks. key Item cannot be rented. Useful for doors or containers. note Item can have messages written on it by a "pen". pen Item can write messages on a "note". boat Item allows travel in unswimmable water. scuba Item allows travel underwater. wings Item allows travel in flying areas. bomb #d#[+#] Item will do #d#[+#] damage if thrown. holdbag Item is a bag linked to . portal Item can be "enter"ed. Character ends up at . ticket Item is a ticket. For now, system use only. {treasure|other|trash|armor} These do absolutely nothing. Examples: > edit o 147 type scroll 1 'cure blindness' 'cure confusion' 'cure disease' This makes object #147 cast "cure blindness" "cure confusion" and "cure disease" at level 1 when "recite"d. > edit o 142 type container pickproof closed 146 This makes object #142 a closeable and lockable (default closed and unlocked) container whose lock cannot be picked and which can be locked and unlocked with object #146. > edit o 127 type scuba This makes object #127 scuba gear. If the item is in a character's inventory, then the character can go into "underwater" room types. EDIT DRINKTYPE Usage: edit object type { drinkcon | fountain } The argument can be one of the following: "water", "beer", "wine", "ale", "dark ale", "whisky", "lemonade", "firebreather", "local speciality", "slime mold juice", "milk", "tea", "coffee", "blood", "salt water", "clear water", "Sprite", "Tang", "Coke", "root beer", "eggnog", "Mountain Dew", "Surge", "rum", "scotch", "vodka", "Diet Coke", "Pepsi", "Diet Pepsi", "Caffeine-free Pepsi", "bourbon" The fullness, thirst, and drunkenness affects are different for each type. EDIT OBJECT WEARFLAGS a TAKE Item can be picked up off the ground. b FINGER Item can be worn on either finger. (e.g. ring) c NECK Item can be worn about the neck. (e.g. necklace) d BODY Item can be worn on the body. (e.g. armor) e HEAD Item can be worn on the head. (e.g. helmet) f LEGS Item can be worn on the legs. (e.g. greaves) g FEET Item can be worn on the feet. (e.g. boots) h HANDS Item can be worn on the hands. (e.g. gauntlets) i ARMS Item can be worn on the arms. (e.g. vambrances) j SHIELD Item can be strapped to the arm. (e.g. shield) k ABOUT Item can be worn about the body. (e.g. cloak) l WAIST Item can be worn about the waist. (e.g. belt) m WRIST Item can be worn on the wrist. (e.g. bracelet) n WIELD Item can be wielded. (e.g. weapon) o HOLD Item can be held. EDIT OBJECT EFFECTS a GLOW Item will say "..It has a soft glowing aura!" (Cosmetic) b HUM Item will say "..It emits a faint humming sound!" (Cosmetic) c !RENT Item cannot be rented. (e.g. keys) d !DONATE Item cannot be donated. e !INVIS Item cannot be made invisible. f INVISIBLE Item is invisible. g MAGIC Item will be seen with 'detect magic' and is not enchantable. h !DROP Item is cursed and cannot be dropped. i BLESS Item is blessed. j !GOOD Item is unusable by good creatures. k !EVIL Item is unusable by evil creatures. l !NEUTRAL Item is unusable by neutral creatures. m !MAGE Item is unusable by magic users. n !CLERIC Item is unusable by clerics. o !THIEF Item is unusable by thieves. p !WARRIOR Item is unusable by warriors. q !SELL Item is not sellable. r !EXAM Item cannot be examined for useful information. EDIT OBJECT AFFECTS Usage: edit object affects add All affects are succeeded by a number, positive or negative (zero would be a little pointless). Most of the keywords are self explanatory. First are the ability affects. The abilities are all adjusted in the expected manner (-3 to wisdom will subtract three points of wisdom), except that 10 points of exceptional strength will count as a point of strength for purposes of ability modifiers. The keywords are "strength", "intelligence", "dexterity", "wisdom", "constitution", and "charisma". Second are the point affects. The point affects are applied to the point maximums only. For example +5 to move will add 5 points to the character's maximum movement points. The keywords are "hit", "mana", and "move". Third are the status affects. The status affects are applied directly to the statuses themselves, as expected, except that a -5 to armor is actually a -0.5 to armor class. The keywords are "age", "weight", "height", "armor", "hitroll", "damroll". Last are the saving throw affects. In this case, a negative number is a good thing (as low saving throws are good). The keywords are "spells", "potion", "wand", "staff", and "scroll". LINK Usage: link room room [oneway] [hidden] [{"door"|"pickproof"} [{"opened"|"closed"|"locked"}] []] link mobile room [max] [give [max]]... [equip [max]]... link object room [max] [put [max]]... link shop room [give [max]]... [equip [max]]... For linking rooms to each other, The argument specifies the direction from the first room that will lead you to the second room. The "oneway" keyword makes it so that you cannot travel from the second room back to the first through the opposite direction. The "hidden" keyword removes the "The door is closed." messages from looking at . Setting the link to "door" or "pickproof" creates a door in between the two rooms. If a "door" or "pickproof" is specified, then a door state for zone resets may be indicated (opened, closed, or locked). A further , the object vnum of the key which locks/unlocks the door, may also be specified. The linking of mobiles and objects is slightly less complicated. With no additional arguments, link will place a copy of the mobile or object given into the specified room at zone reset. Using the give command will put a copy of object into the mobile's inventory, and using the equip command will equip the mobile with a copy of object in position (see "LINK POSITIONS"). Using the put command will put a copy of object into the object specified for the link. For both mobiles and objects, the optional "max" arguments are numbers indicating the maximum number of this mobile or object that is to appear in the world. By default, IC will fill in these maximum numbers with numbers that will guarantee that the mobile or object load properly. More advanced builders may want to experiment with this feature, but it is recommended that the "max" arguments are ignored. The linking of shops is basically the mobile link command as a special macro. Linking a shop to a room will link the shop keeper to the room with all the products in the product list. To give or equip the shop keeper with additional items, "give" or "equip" structures can be added to the end of the line (just like linking a mobile). Examples: > link r 142 r 143 n oneway door open > link m 104 r 107 give 104 equip 103 held equip 105 weapon > link s 107 r 102 equip 186 weapon See also: COPY CREATE DELETE EDIT EXPORT UNLINK LINK POSITIONS The link position is the position that an equipped object will assume on zone reset. All of these keywords may be abbreviated. light Item is worn as a light. fingerright Item is worn on the right ring finger. fingerleft Item is worn on the left ring finger. neckfirst Item is worn on the neck (first position). necksecond Item is worn on the neck (second position). body Item is worn on the body. (e.g. armor) head Item is worn on the head. legs Item is worn on the legs. feet Item is worn on the feet. hands Item is worn on the hands. arms Item is worn on the arms. shield Item is worn as a shield. aboutbody Item is worn about the body. (e.g. cloak) waist Item is worn about the waist. wristright Item is worn on the right wrist. wristleft Item is worn on the left wrist. wield Item is wielded as a weapon. hold Item is held. Generally it is good practice to insure that these objects have their wear flags set properly. It won't cause any game problems, but it will annoy the mortals to find a mobile wearing an object that they can't wear. UNLINK Usage: unlink room unlink {mobile | object} room Unlink, just like link, is the combination of two rather unrelated commands. The first form will remove the physical connection between two rooms and delete any associated information. The second form will delete from the zone file the most recent mobile or object added to room . Examples: > unlink r 124 s > unlink m 154 r 103 See also: COPY CREATE DELETE EDIT EXPORT LINK COPY Usage: copy [value] copy zone [value] COPY combines two different functions in two different forms. The first form copies the information contained in record into the record . All the information in is completely lost in the process. The second form creates a new record in and copies the information from record into it. The optional value argument, if selected, will not copy any names or descriptions from the source record. This is useful if you've made something with create but want to use the stats of something else. Examples: > copy room 194 room 195 This command will completely overwrite the information in the room with virtual number 195 with the information in the room with virtual number 194. > copy mobile 104 zone 1 This command will create a new mobile in zone 1 (if possible) and will copy the information from the mobile with virtual number 104 into it. See also: CREATE DELETE EDIT EXPORT LINK UNLINK This manual doesn't cover making shops. Making a shop can be rather complicated, and it's recommended you ask an experienced builder to show you how it's done the first time around. Here, however, are the relevant commands: EDIT SHOP Usage: edit shop productlist [# ...] The list of all objects in unlimited quantity. buyprofit number The multiplier for the item value that gives its price. sellprofit number Item value * sellprofit = amount received when selling. typelist [# ...] The list of item types that the shop will buy. See EDIT OBJECT TYPE for a list of types. roomlist # [# ...] The list of rooms in which shop activity can occur. noitemshop string "Sorry, I haven't got exactly that item." noitemchar string "You don't seem to have that." nocashshop string "That's too expensive for me!" nocashchar string "You can't afford it!" donotbuy string "I don't buy such items." buymessage string "That'll be %d coins, please." sellmessage string "You'll get %d coins for it." bitvector flags See EDIT SHOP BITVECTOR. keeper number The virtual number of the shop's keeper. hours #[-#] [#[-#]] These are the hours of operation. "0-24" is always. tradewith flags See EDIT SHOP TRADEWITH. See also: COPY CREATE DELETE EXPORT IC LINK UNLINK EDIT SHOP BITVECTOR a WILL_FIGHT The shopkeeper can be attacked. b USES_BANK The shopkeeper will use the bank (minimizes gold on hand) EDIT SHOP TRADEWITH a !GOOD The shopkeeper will not trade with good players. b !EVIL The shopkeeper will not trade with evil players. c !NEUTRAL The shopkeeper will not trade with neutral players. d !MAGE The shopkeeper will not trade with magic users. e !CLERIC The shopkeeper will not trade with clerics. f !THIEF The shopkeeper will not trade with thieves. g !WARRIOR The shopkeeper will not trade with warriors. That's all there is to it! Remember, if you have any questions, most imms will be willing to help you out. Have fun, and get building! :)